Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Hold on to Your Dreams Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Hold on to Your Dreams - Essay Example    The first step of my long journey was to get my father’s consent. My family tried to persuade me to change my mind. But I was a rock which let the waves of their arguments just wash over me. My reply to every objection was, â€Å"If you love me, let me go.† Finally, my father agreed to give me the freedom to pursue my dream. But I now faced a bigger hurdle: My father could not afford the financial costs of my studies. My application for a scholarship was turned down because I did not have the necessary background in Science. My disappointment ate into my heart like acid. I thought, ‘Maybe I should accept what cannot be changed.’ Then, my love for the field of medicine made me work as a call center representative and as a translator at hospitals, just so I could be a part of the world of doctors and nurses. Although my dream of wearing scrubs seemed to be far beyond my reach, I absorbed medical information. I became a part of the hospital community, which wa s a family to me. I accepted that my dream would always remain a dream, locked in its box. I was content to live in the hospital world. Then one calm, sunny day, a storm rushed through my life, cleared away all the doubts in my mind, and opened my eyes again. My best friend, Name, showed a flushed face, heavy sweating, and sudden tremors. But she said, â€Å"Don’t worry, Daliya. I’m fine.† As we worked in the office, my calm and patient friend screamed, and knocked everything on her table to the ground. Obviously, she was ill. Obviously, she was ill. The name was diagnosed with depression and started on medication. The next morning, Name was in the hospital with severe palpitations and high blood pressure. She was hooked to a saline drip. But there was no change in her situation. Suddenly, Name started to fight for breath and bloated like a balloon.  

Monday, October 28, 2019

Biblical Counseling Essay Example for Free

Biblical Counseling Essay The term biblical counseling never appear anywhere in the Bible, thus creating the dilemma defining the term. However, the words such as counsel, wisdom, and advice do appear. Walter A. Elwell (1988) defines counsel as â€Å"advice† especially legal matters. † It was derived from the Latin word consilium from con-solere meaning to consult. Counseling therefore means consultation for an advice. The Eerdsman Bible Dictionary noted that counselors were commonly employed at the royal court. The Vines expository Dictionary of the Biblical Words stated that the Greek word sumboulion for ‘counsel’ denotes a task â€Å"given, taken, and acted upon† such as in Matthew 12: 14 where the Pharisees devised a plan after conferring with one another against Jesus Christ, and finally executed that plan. Vines Completely Expository Dictionary stated that the word counsel was used throughout the history of the Hebrew language. The Hebrew word yaas, to counsel was first used in Exodus 18:19 where Jethro says: â€Å"Listen now to me and I will give you some advice, and may God be with you. You must be the people’s representative before God and bring your dispute to Him. † In the passage, the word advice was used synonymously with the word counsel. Thus, Jethro counseled Moses. Citing the works of Jay Adams, Dr. Larry Crabb and Lawrence Crabb (1997) stated that the Greek word noutheteo includes the idea of verbal, directive, instructive confrontation (p. 147). One particular case attesting to this was in 2nd Samuel chapter 12:1-13, in whom King David was confronted by Prophet Nathan over his crime of adultery and murder. Crabb noted that in Colossians 1:28 Paul mention that he nouthetically â€Å"confronts people in an effort to promote their maturity† (p. 148). However, it appears that in the Old Testament, the use of the word counsel does not primarily denote divine purpose. Indeed, most of its uses in the Old Testament were either political or military advices to kings which were meant for the destruction of their enemies. The particular case where in counseling was used for divine purpose was in exodus 18:19 when Jethro, Moses’ father-in-law advised him on how he could effectively serve the people with justice. The word ‘wisdom on the other hand, was derived from Hebrew Hokma and Greek Sophia which according to J. D. Douglas and Mirrel C. Tenney only comes from God. Douglas and Tenney stated that â€Å"God is the source of wisdom and wisdom is the infinitely comprehension of all that is or might be† as mentioned by the apostle Paul in Romans 11:33-36, (p. 1066). Job 28:28 and Proverbs 1: 7 both teach that wisdom is given by God to people through the â€Å"fear of the Lord. Exodus 28:3 states that the wisdom given by God to man is manifested by their skills. This was clearly confirmed by God in Exodus 31: 1-3 wherein God said â€Å"†¦and I have filled with him the Spirit of God with skill, ability, and knowledge in all kinds of craft†¦. † The main word hokma for wisdom (used 146 times in the Bible) means understanding. The other Greek word, Tushiyya – used only a few times meaning â€Å"sound wisdom† while the adjective hakam â€Å"wise† is used 102 times, as wise men 15 times. In the book of Ecclesiastes, wisdom is considered â€Å"in contrast to other as a possible highest goal of life but is not desirable rather it is rejected. This is clearly reflected by in the following verses in the book of Ecclesiastes. Chapter 2:16 states: â€Å"For the wise man, like the fool, will not be long remembered; in days to come both will be forgotten. Like the fool the wise man too must die. † Another verse that particularly talks about the similarity of the culmination of one’s life both the wise and fool is depicted in Ecclesiastes 9:17-18; as stated: â€Å"The quiet words of the wise are more to be heeded than a shout of a ruler of fools. Wisdom is better than weapons of war but one sinner destroys much good. † The Greek Sophia for wisdom is used with reference to: (a) God Romans 3:33 and I Corinthians 1:21 (b) Christ – Matthew 13:54 and Mark 6:2; (c) Human wisdom Another Greek word for wisdom is Phronesis, meaning understanding, that is, prudence. Vines Dictionary stated that â€Å"while Sophia is the insight into the true nature of things, Phronesis is the ability to discern modes of actions with the view to their results. Sophia is theoretical and Phronesis is practical. In Exodus 28: 3, God directed Moses to make sacred garment for Aaron through the men whom God had given wisdom. This was also the case in chapter 31 of the same book wherein God instructed Moses to summon Bezalel son of Ur and Oholiab, son of Ahisamach both were skilled in all crafts, to make the tent of meeting between the people and God. These passages clearly involve the concepts above. Unfortunately, the word advice and plan does not appear in any biblical reference materials so there seemed to be no way to include them in the word study. The range of situations involving these concepts Biblical counseling according to Ed Welch is â€Å"as old as the history† of mankind and will thrive through out the next generations. Welch noted that it started with God speaking to his people (Welch, p. 2). In the Bible times, counseling was either for good or for bad purpose. Elwell noted that the task of a counselor in the royal court was â€Å"like a United States cabinet member today. † Biblical counselors of David and Absalom such as Ahitophel and Hushai held this position and were regarded not only as very influential in the king’s decision makings, but their counsel were held as â€Å"the oracle of God by the people, as mentioned in 2nd Samuel 16:23. However, in chapter 17 verses 1 to 14 of the same Bible book, the counsel given by both Ahitophel and Hushai was meant for the destruction of both David and Absalom. Ahitophel counseled Absalom to attack the fleeing and weary David to destroy him for Absalom to be able to consolidate all people of Israel. However this advice was frustrated by Hushai and gave his version of plot against David, which in effect was meant to bring disaster on Absalom verse 14. In the Old Testament, counseling was employed by kings as a form of political and military scheme as can be noted in many occasions such in 1st Samuel chapter 28 where King Saul sought counsel from a witch at Endor because of the great armies he was about to face in war. This was also the occasion with Absalom concerning the consolidation of his kingdom after David fled from the palace to escape from Absalom. Earlier, in the book of Judges Chapter 4, Israel’s leader named Barak also sought counsel from a prophetess named Devorah on whether he should go up against his enemies. Counseling occupy prominent role both in the political and military adventures of kings in the Bible times but was seldom employed for spiritual purpose. Two situations in the Bible that use the biblical data as support The New Testament may not have many situations wherein these cases had been vividly using the biblical data above as support. Nevertheless, one particular situation perhaps, is found in I Kings 3: 16-28 concerning the wise ruling of Solomon. The passage tells about two prostitutes living in the same house and who had given both birth of a son. Unfortunately, one of the children died and each of the mothers was claiming the baby alive. The dilemma of the case was that there was no one in the house except the two of them, when the problem occurred. When the case was brought to King Solomon, he rendered a sound judgment giving the live infant to his true mother. The Wisdom of Solomon was generally held a God-given wisdom. 1st Kings Chapter 3 deals about Solomon’s wisdom which he got from the Lord. In this case, Solomon’s counseling was based on the wisdom God has given. The second situation is found in the book of Acts 23: 12-15. In this case, Paul was a prisoner in Jerusalem on account of his preaching the gospel of Christ. Verse 12 tells us that some forty men formed a conspiracy against Paul. Their intention was to kill Paul, so they went to religious authorities to consult their plan and to finalize the details in which the religious leaders will petition the commander in charge of Paul to bring him to them â€Å"on the pretext of wanting more accurate information. † These men will then ambush the party along the way. Parallel to this, it could be noted that Ahitophel’s counsel to Absalom was about David’s destruction, and Hushai’s advice was a conspiracy with David to frustrate Ahitophel’s advice to bring disaster on Absalom. Either way leads to destruction of either of David or Absalom. The scenario maybe different, but the ethics of counseling involved was just the same. It had the intention to destroy just as the counsel given by Ahitophel to destroy David or the counsel given by Hushai to bring disaster on Absalom. The ethics involved is therefore bad ethics. According to Matthew Heney’s Commentary, Ahitophel gave Absalom a wicked counsel. The commentary goes: â€Å"Ahitophel counseled him to do wickedly, and so did as effectually betrayed him as he did who was designedly false, to him for those that advice men to sin certainly advise them to their hurt and that government which is founded in sin is founded in the sand† (commentary on II Samuel chapter 18) The advice given by those fanatical men designed to kill Paul was acted upon by the religious leaders corresponding to the Greek sumbulion which implies action. Although the advises given were not meant to solve one’s problem, but given the concept of counseling above, it was quite clear that biblical counseling, or the counseling done by the biblical people were usually political and had destructive intent against the person or the people the counseling was directed. This was also true with the advice given by Balaam to King Balak in Numbers chapter 22, when he was summoned to curse Israel so he could defeat them in battle. The Bible tells us that an angel of God appeared to him and warned him not to curse Israel instead, he should pronounced blessings, or he be killed by the angel. According to commentaries, although he pronounced blessings for Israel, he also counseled Balak to entice Israel to commit sin (Numbers 31:15-16).

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Ghost in Kenneth Brannaghs Hamlet Essay -- Shakespeare Hamlet Ess

The Ghost in Kenneth Brannagh's Hamlet William Shakespeare's Hamlet is a drama which has been renound for its content and depiction of characters. Over the years, it has gone through many variations of interpretations and criticisms. One such criticism is the nature of the ghost who takes the form of Hamlet's dead father. At first glance, it may be sufficient to accept the ghost as the spirit of Hamlet's dead father who returns to the land of the living in order to have his son avenge his murder. However, looking deeper into the text, several unignorable signs become visible which lead us to see that the ghost is actually the devil in disguise. Kenneth Brannagh's 1997 production of Hamlet brilliantly portrays these signs of evil and cynicism. The Devil had an agenda from the very beginning: to cause havoc in the royal family, leading to the downfall of the crown of Denmark. After King Hamlet's death, the Devil saw this as its perfect opportunity to begin the first stage of its plan. It was aware of Hamlet's hatred toward his uncle Claudius, who came between Hamlet and his rightful seat on the throne. It was aware of Hamlet's disgust with his mother's incestuous marriage to her brother-in-law. And it was aware of Hamlet's despair over losing his father who he dearly loved and admired. In Brannagh's film, we see Francisco (the guard outside the castle walls) startled by the ghost, who motions for his sword. This is the second time the ghost has appeared and the guards are both afraid and confused. They then call upon Horatio, Hamlet's dear friend to witness the vision to confirm their fears. When Horatio arrived, the ghost appeared once again in "that fair and warlike form / In which the majesty of buried Denmark / Did ... Claudius. Hamlet goes mad, which is pains Ophelia. Hamlet accidentally kills Polonius out of rage, then Ophelia dies after going mad due to the madness of Hamlet and the death of her father. Laretes comes home to find his father dead, later finding out his sister dead, then conspires a plot with Claudius to kill Hamlet. This dual ends in the deaths of Claudius, Larates, Gertrude, Hamlet, and later we find out that Rozencranz and Guildenstern have been killed. The death of King Hamlet began a chain reaction which inevitably leads to the downfall of the royal family of Denmark. The Devil has succeeded in its plan by skillfully choosing Hamlet to carry out its dirty work. Works Cited Shakespeare, William. Hamlet. In The Norton Introduction to Literature. Ed. Carl E. Bain, Jerome Beaty, and J. Paul Hunter. W.W. Norton & Company: New York. 1995. (1306-1404).

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Basic Syntactic Notions

S Y N T A X LECTURE 6 BASIC SYNTACTIC NOTIONS 1. Some approaches to the study of syntactic units. The central role of syntax within theoretical linguistics became clear only in the 20th century, which some scholars call the â€Å"century of syntactic theory† as far as linguistics is concerned. Nowadays theoretical approaches to the discipline of syntax are numerous and extremely diverse. One school of thought treats syntax as a branch of biology, since it conceives of syntax as the study of linguistic knowledge as embodied in the human mind.Other linguists regard syntax to be the study of an abstract formal system. Yet others consider syntax to be a taxonomical device to reach broad generalizations across languages. One more school of thought approaches syntactic phenomena from the philosophical point of view proceeding from the idea that reality consists of things, their qualities and relationships. Hence, the subdivision of words by the parts of speech and the treatment of s yntactic problems as philisophic processes. The hypothesis of generative grammar is that language is a structure of the human mind.The goal of generative grammar is to make a complete model of this inner language (known as i-language). This model could be used to describe all human language and to predict the grammaticality of any given utterance (that is, to predict whether the utterance would sound correct to native speakers of the language). This approach to language was pioneered by Noam Comsky. Most generative theories (although not all of them) assume that syntax is based upon the constituent structure of sentences. Generative grammars are among the theories that focus primarily on the form of a sentence, rather than its communicative function.Among the many generative theories of linguistics, the Chomskyan theories are: Transformational Grammar (TG) (Original theory of generative syntax laid out by Chomsky in Syntactic Structures in 1957 ; Government and binding theory (GB) ( revised theory in the tradition of TG developed mainly by Chomsky in the 1970s and 1980s); Minimalist program (MP) (a reworking of the theory out of the GB framework published by Chomsky in 1995) Categorial grammar is an approach that attributes the syntactic structure not to rules of grammar, but to the properties of the syntactic categories themselves.For example, rather than asserting that sentences are constructed by a rule that combines a noun phrase (NP) and a verb phrase (VP) (e. g. the phrase structure rule S > NP VP), in categorial grammar, such principles are embedded in the category of the head word itself. So the syntactic category for an intransitive verb is a complex formula representing the fact that the verb acts as a functor which requires an NP as an input and produces a sentence level structure as an output. This complex category is regarded as † a category that searches to the left for a NP (the element on the left) and outputs a sentence (the element on th e right)†.The category of transitive verb is defined as an element that requires two NPs (its subject and its direct object) to form a sentence. Dependency grammar regards structure as determined by the relations (such as grammatical relations) between a word (a head) and its dependents, rather than being based in constituent structure. For example, syntactic structure is described in terms of whether a particular noun is the subject or agent of the verb, rather than describing the relations in terms of phrases. Stochastic/probabilistic grammars/network theories These are theoretical approaches to syntax based upon probability theory.They are known as stochastic grammars. One common implementation of such an approach makes use of a neural network or connectionism. Some theories based within this approach are: Optimality theory and Stochastic context-free grammar. Functionalist grammars are functionalist theories, which (though focused upon form) are driven by explanation based upon the function of a sentence (i. e. its communicative function). Some typical functionalist theories include: Funtionalist grammar; Prague Linguistic Circle; Systemic functional grammar; Cognitive grammar; Construction grammar; Role and reference grammar; Emergent grammar Constructional Syntax.Constructional analysis of syntactic units was initiated by Prof. G. Pocheptsov (1971). The analysis deals with the constructional significance/insignificance of a part of the sentence for the whole syntactic unit. The theory is based on the obligatory or optional environment of syntactic elements. For example, the element him in the sentence / saw him there yesterday is constructionally significant because it is impossible to omit it. At the same time the elements there and yesterday are constructionally insignificant – they can be omitted without destroying the whole structure.Communicative Syntax. It is primarily concerned with the analysis of utterances from the point of their c ommunicative value and informative structure. It deals with the actual division of the utterance – the theme and rheme analysis. Both the theme and the rheme constitute the informative structure of utterances. Pragmatic approach to the study of syntactic units can briefly be described as the study of the way language is used in particular contexts to achieve particular goals. Speech Act Theory was first introduced by John Austin.The notion of a speech act presupposes that an utterance can be said with different intentions or purposes and therefore can influence the speaker and situation in different ways: I just state the fact; Textlinguistics studies the text as a syntactic unit, its main features and peculiarities, different ways of its analysis. Discourse analysis focuses on the study of language use with reference to the social and psychological factors that influence communication. 2. Some concrete methods of syntactic analysis.The most commonly applied concrete methods of syntactic analysis seem to be the IC and transformational procedures. The method of IC is based on the idea that sentences have a hierarchic structure consisting of a number of layers. It is assumed that parts of a sentence are combined with each other according to strict rules. If we want to know how a sentence is built we must separate its units or constituents. Hence the notion of immediate constituents /IC/. Immediate constituents are those parts of a sentence that we arrive at after dividing it into two (the first step).Those parts or IC may, in their turn, be divided into further parts until the actual place of each word in the structure of the sentence as a whole has been established. (e. g. The old man saw a black dog there. S – sentence P – phrase N- noun V – verb t – article p – preposition A – adjective D – adverb) The method of IC is very helpful in syntactical analysis. But it has certain limitations. Sentences in whic h the relations between words are considerably different despite identical surface structures get in the IC model quite similar interpretations. Compare the sentences: John is eager to please and John is easy to please. In the former the relations between John and eager are of a subjective character, while in the latter John and easy stand in an objective relation to each other. By applying the method of IC we cannot establish formally the existing difference. It is because the structures of these sentences are analyzed separately from the structures of other sentences. The tansformational method is aimed at overcoming the demerits of the method of IC.The Transformational grammar was first suggested by American scholar Zelling Harris as a method of analyzing sentences and was later elaborated by another American scholar Noam Chomsky as a synthetic method of ‘generating’ (constructing) sentenceswhich is why the theory is also called â€Å"generative grammar†. The fundamental ideas underlying this method are as follows. Every language has a very small number of sentence patterns called kernel or basic sentences. All the variety of sentences which can exist in that language are derived or generated from these kernel sentences by derivation rules.Grammarians have made attempts at setting up a list of patterns that could be regarded as kernel sentences. It is interesting to point out that the number of these is essentially different in various books. Transformational grammar makes a fundamental distinction between two types of sentences: kernel sentences and transforms. The latter are derived from the former. Transformational grammar traces the derivational history of a sentence by establishing what is called its â€Å"depth structure†. It thus shows why sentences having similar surface structures convey different structural meanings.The differences in meaning can be formally explained applying the transformational method. Z. Harris set u p the following list of kernel sentences: NV(John came); NVpN (John looked at Mary); NVN(John saw Mary); N is N (John is a teacher); N is p N (/John is in bed); N is D (John is here); N is A (John is angry) The above sentence â€Å"The old man saw a dog there† can be interpreted as the transform of the following three kernel sentences:The man saw a dog there. The man was old. The dog was black. (The man who was old saw a dog that was black. ( The old man saw a black dog there.The ambiguity of the sentence â€Å"Flying planes can be dangerous†, is easily explained by the following transformational procedure: To fly planes is dangerous. He can fly planes. ( Flying planes can be dangerous. Planes can be dangerous. Planes fly. ( Flying planes can be dangerous. Only by transformation can we explain why phrases of the N`sN type denote different relations as in John’s arrival and John’s trial, the former being a transform of the kernel sentence John arrives and the latter having a different derivational history: X triesJohn ( John is tried ( John’s trial.S. Porter reduces the number of kernel sentences to three: â€Å"All simple sentences belong to one of three types: A) The sun warms the earth; B) The sun is a star; C) The sun is bright; As an argument S. Porter adds: â€Å"Word order is changeless in A) and B), but not in C). Even in sober prose a man may say â€Å"Bright is the sun†. The sentences derived fromsuch kernel sentences are words or combination words added to the kernel ones in accordance with their combinability so as to make the communication as complete as the speaker wishes.Thus, the kernel sentence â€Å"Boys play† can be quite independent. But this sentence can be extended by realizing the combinability of the noun â€Å"boys† and the verb â€Å"play† into â€Å"The three noisy boys play boisterous upstairs†. We can develop the sentence into a still more extended one. But one should bear in mind that the rules of combinability have to be observed for the sentence to be valid. It should also be stressed that there are rules of grammatical and lexical combinability as well as stylistic ones.The combination of words will be ungrammatical if we put together â€Å"boys plays†, instead of â€Å"boys play† or â€Å"the fish shouted† instead of â€Å"the boy shouted†. 3 The Subject Matter of Syntax Words by themselves do not, as a rule, make up complete units of speech, in order to become such units, they must get combined with one another in the framework of linguistic items of a higher rank. These are the sentence and the phrase. As a whole, they make up the syntactical structure of a language.From the point of view of Structural Grammar syntax is the part of grammar that studies the laws in accordance with which words become phrases, and sentences. Hence, syntax is the part of grammar that investigates the syntactical structure of a language. It treats of both phrases and sentences which, though belonging to different levels of language structure, are closely connected with each other. The traditional definition of syntax was extended by Prof. L. S. Barkhudarov who states that syntax has also to investigate phenomena lying on a still higher level, namely the level on which sentences combine into groups of sentences.Considering the fact that syntax studies the way words and phrases are combined into phrases, sentences and texts some scholars define syntax as the science which studies the types of formal and semantic relations within word combinations, sentences, supra-phrasal unities and texts. The syntactic language level can be described with the help of special linguistic terms and notions: syntactic unit, syntactic form, syntactic meaning, syntactic function, syntactic position, and syntactic relations. Syntactic unit is always a combination that has at least two constituents.The basic syntactic units are a word-group, a clause, a sentence, and a text. Their main features are: they are hierarchical units (the units of a lower level serve the building material for the units of a higher level); as all language units the syntactic units are of two-fold nature (the content side – the syntactic meaning of a syntactic unit- being opposed to the expression side -the syntactic form of a syntactic unit); they are of communicative and non-communicative nature (word-groups and clauses are of non-communicative nature while sentences and texts are of communicative nature.Syntactic meaning is the way in which separate word meanings are combined to produce meaningful word-groups and sentences. Syntactic form may be described as the distributional formula of the unit (pattern). John hits the ball – N1 + V + N2. Syntactic function is the function of a unit on the basis of which it is included to a larger unit: in the word-group a smart student the word ‘smart’ is in subordi nate attributive relations to the head element. In traditional terms it is used to denote syntactic function of a unit within the sentence (subject, predicate, etc. ).Syntactic position is the position of an element. The order of constituents in syntactic units is of principal importance in analytical languages. The syntactic position of an element may determine its relationship with the other elements of the same unit: his broad back, a back district, to go back, to back sm. Syntactic relations are syntagmatic relations observed between syntactic units. They can be of three types -coordination, subordination and predication. 4 The Phrase Level and the Sentence Level Modern linguistics distinguishes between the phrase level and the sentence level.There exist many definitions of phrases, the difference between them being that one group of scholars hold that phrases consist of only notional words while their opponents think that the constituents of a phrase can be function words (prep ositions, conjunctions, etc. ). Most definitions mention some negative feature characteristic of phrases. Prof. B. A. Ilyish, for instance, terms as phrase â€Å"every combination of two or more words which is a grammatical unit but is not an analytical form of some word. † Prof. L.S. Barkhudarov, on the other hand, defines a phrase as â€Å"a group of syntactically connected notional words being part of a sentence but not being the sentence itself. † We have already mentioned how difficult it is to draw a rigid demarcation line between phrases and analytical forms. As to the borderline between phrases and sentences, it is much easier to establish. The most important feature of a sentence as distinct from a phrase is its intonation. The structure of a phrase is of a very wide and abstract character.While singling out particular types of phrases we do not take into account the lexical meanings of the words or their morphological features. (So, for example, all the group s of words, that follow, can be classed as phrases of the V+N type: writes a letter, has seen the friend, has been giving lessons, having completed the work, etc. ) Since phrases are only parts of sentences, we must assume that there exists a higher level with its own peculiar structure. It is called the sentence level.Irrespective of its linear character (a succession in time or space of morphemes, words, phrases), the sentence has a hierarchic structure. That means that the parts of a sentence are not independent, they can exist as such only in their mutual interrelation. The interdependence of the parts of a sentence is not necessarily reflected in their linear succession. 5. Types of Syntactical Relations; Means of Expression The relations between words within phrases and sentences are not uniform.It is one of the most important tasks of syntax to single out and to define the types of syntactical relations. The universally recognized types of syntactic relations are: subordinati on, coordination and predication. Subordination is the type of syntactical relation under which the function of one part of the phrase coincides with the function of the phrase as a whole. The leading part is called the head of the phrase while the part having a function different from that of the head is called the adjunct of the phrase.Apart from the purely semantic criterion it is quite possible to establish which word is the head by applying the formal procedure of substitution (e. g. â€Å" A young man entered the room†. In this sentence the whole group a young man performs the function of the subject. We may replace the group by the word man: â€Å"A man entered the room†. Hence, the word man is the head of the phrase and young – the adjunct. ) While performing the substitution procedure one should not change the syntactical relations within the sentence as a whole(e. g. He is a young man.He is a man. He is young /wrong/). Coordination is the type of synta ctical relation under which he syntactical function of the whole group coincides with that of its parts. Coordination can also be established by applying the substitution test (Thus, in the sentence â€Å"Boys and girls studied at that school†, the group boys and girls performs the function of the subject. The same function can be performed by either of the words making up the group: â€Å"Boys and girls studied at that school†. â€Å"Boys studied at that school†, â€Å"Girls studied at that school†).Coordinative relations are found in phrases with coordinative conjunctions /but, neither†¦nor/ and also in groups like the poet Byron, my brother the teacher(e. g. The poet Byron lived in Greece. – The poet lived in Greece. – Byron lived in Greece; My brother the teacher got married last year. – My brother got married last year. – The teacher got married last year). Predication is the type of syntactical relation under which t he syntactical function of the group as a whole is different from the functions of each of its components /IC/.The most typical predicative relation is that between the subject and the predicate. This is most distinctly seen in complex sentences such as: â€Å"I hate†¦talking loudly†; â€Å"I knew he had come† None of the IC of the subordinate clauses can be replaced by the clause as a whole. It is impossible to say â€Å"I knew he† or â€Å"I knew had come†. The types of syntactic bonds just described are generally recognized, though not all scholars use the terms given above to designate them.However, these types of syntactic bonds can fail to explain the relation between, for instance, the main predication and the inserted elements in the sentences (â€Å"The boy, as it were, left the house†. â€Å" Interestingly and fortunately for him nobody saw him†). That is why some grammarians consider it also necessary to single out other type s of syntactic relation to cover the cases in question. The number and types of syntactic bonds added to the above given ones varies from author to author and we are not going to dwell on them here.Instead, we shall confine ourselves to presenting the system of syntactic bonds worked out by Prof. Smirnitskiy which will serve as an example. According to him there are four types of syntactic relations in English: 1) the attributive bond characterized by A. I. Smirnitskiy as the closest kind of syntactic relations (we deal with the attributive bond in attributive word combinations or between the attributive subordinate clause and its head in the main clause); 2) the completive bond connecting the predicate and all kinds of objects, objective subordinate clauses.Adverbial subordinate clauses are also said to be connected with the main clause with the help of this kind of bond; 3) the copulative bond connecting homogeneous parts of a sentence, or independent clauses in a compound sentenc e. Parenthesis(or insertions) of all kinds are also regarded as syntactic phenomena introduced into the sentence with the help of this kind of syntactic bond; 4) the predicative bond, which is described as the loosest of all syntactic bonds, establishes the relations between the subject and the predicate.Every language has its peculiar grammatical means that signal different syntactical relations. Like morphemes indicating various forms of words, these may be called syntactical forms for they express syntactical relations. The relations between words in a phrase or a sentence are diverse and multiple. In syntactical analyses we normally avoid mentioning relations which can be ascribed to the lexical meanings of the words (e. g. In the phrases his singing and his hat the semantic relations between the words are different (doer- process, possession) but syntactically we have one and the same relation (subordination).Modern English makes use of the following syntactical means of expres sing syntagmatic relations: Word-order. It is with the help of word-order that we make out the syntactical relations between the words in the following groups: a young man; to read a book; stone wall; Peter sees Mary; etc. Word order may indicate not only that the words stand in some kind of relation to one another but also what kind of relation it is. The forms of the words. This linguistic device has more than often been underestimated by scholars writing on the grammar of English.In the opinion of Prof. A. I. Smirnitskiy, it is just due to their scarcity that the forms of the words acquire an important role in the structure of the sentence or phrase. The importance of the morphological forms can be clearly seen if we compare the following two groups of which only the former is a sentence: He likes them – Him like they. Function words. By these we mean prepositions and conjunctions which show different relations between words (e. g. the poet Byron – the poet after By ron; a poor man – poor and proud). Intonation.Intonation may perform different functions: it helps to distinguish between a phrase and a sentence, it may also indicate different relations between words. LECTURE 7 THE PHRASE 1. Syntactical Classification of Phrases In accordance with the character of syntactic relations existing between the parts of a phrase, these are divided into three large classes: subordinative phrases, coordinative phrases, predicative phrases. This division is based on the definition under which a phrase is understood as a combination of two. or more notional words standing in some syntactical relation to one another' and being . art of a sentence. 2. Formal Relations within a Phrase. The inner relations between the parts of a phrase are expressed formally in some way or other. No uniform classification of these formal devices has not been established so far. Still, the following types of formal syntactical means have been outlined so far: Agreement by which grammarians understand the phenomenon of two or more words having similar morphological forms due to their being connected syntactically. As a rule, the subordinate element adapts its form to that of the word it is subordinated to.Agreement is found in noun phrases with demonstrative pronouns: (this book – these books that house – those houses. ) As to the agreement between the subject and the predicate, it is of a less formal character (e. g. The United States is a country situated in North America. Our group are fond of sports. ) In this respect English is less formal than, say, Russian. In English the subject and the predicate agree with each other semantically rather than formally. This type of connection is called correspondence. Government by which grammarians understand he phenomenon of one of the words in a phrase having some grammatical form conditioned by the word it is subordinate to Government is very common in Russian where even prepositions can requ ire that the nouns following them should stand in a certain case form. As a syntactical device government is rather rare in Modern English. We find it in combinations of the V+In type in which the verb requires that the personal pronoun should have the form of the objective case. The same can be said of p + In and p + whom (see him, invite us, to me, about whom, etc). Adjoining and enclosure.The absence of both agreement and government, termed adjoining, is the most characteristic feature of the syntactical structure of Modern English. Adverbs, for example, are said to be adjoined to verbs and adjectives. Strictly speaking it is not only the actual position of the adjective that helps the hearer or reader to understand what word is modified by the adverb, but in many cases some semantic features have also to be taken into account, for the adverb may be considerably far from the word it is connected with. Modern English makes extensive use of another means of expressing syntactical r elations.It is called en enclosure. A very illustrative example of enclosure is found in word groups like a. fine day, where the article is separated from the noun permitting other words to become syntactically connected with the noun. In this way any word, word group and even whole sentences may become adjuncts of the noun (e. g. The above statement; a big-circulation newspaper; a take-it-or-leave-it tone). 3. 0. Jespersen ‘s Theory of Ranks A very interesting syntactical theory, known as the theory of three ranks. was elaborated by O. Jespersen.According to this theory, there is a certain analogy between the distribution of words into parts of speech and their interrelations in actual speech. Analysing the word group extremely hot weather 0. Jespersen points out that the chief word is defined by another word which in its turn may be defined by a third word, etc. â€Å"We are thus†, he writes, â€Å"led to establish different â€Å"ranks† of words according to their mutual relations as defined defining. † In his example weather is called_the primary, hot – the secondary, extremely – the tertiary In this way one can establish the rank of a word in respect of the other words it is connected with. . Subordinative phrases: noun phrases; verb phrases; adjective phrases; adverb phrases; pronoun phrases. .Subordinative phrases are distinctly different from co-ordinative and predicative phrases. In these phrases we always find parts winch are unequal as regards their syntactical status. The word whose function coincides with the function of the whole_phrase is called the head, and the dependent or subordinate word is called the adjunct. Unlike coordinative phrases subordinative phrases are always binary in structure.That means that irrespective of the actual number of words making up a subordinative phrase it always falls into two immediate constituents. So, for example, the phrase continued to refuse to meet demands for highe r wages, at the initial stage of division into I? falls into two parts: continued and to refuse to meet demands for higher wages. What was the adjunct during the first division, in its turn, falls into the next I?: to refuse and to meet demands for higher wages; the latter also consists of two parts: to meet and demands for higher wages, and so on.The principles of classification of subordinative phrases may be various. They may be classified depending on the part of speech the head of the phrase belongs to. Under this classification the following types of phrases are distinguished: noun phrases, verb phrases, adjective phrases, adverb phrases, pronoun phrases. The second classification takes into account whether the I? of the phrase consist of one or more than one. notional words. If each I? of the phrase has only one notional_word, the phrase is called simple.If at least one of the I? has_two or more notional_words, the phrase is called complex. We can also distinguish, in this co nnection, between complex phrases with an expanded head and complex phrases with an expanded adjunct , and, finally, there may be phrases in which both the head and the adjunct are expanded. (e. g. The reception of the delegation by the President (a complex phrase with an expanded head) Saw the father of the youth (a complex phrase with an expanded adjunct); The reception of the delegation by the President of the state (a complex phrase in which both the head and the adjunct are expanded).Subordinative phrases may additionally be divided into continuous and discontinuous. This division takes into account the fact whether the I? of the phrase are found in succession or whether they are separated by some word which does not belong to this phrase. (e. g. Slowly, Old Jolyon got up out of the chair – a discontinuous phrase). a. Noun Phrases Noun_phrases are subordinatiye phrases in which the,head is a noun. As regards the mutual positions of the head and its adjunct linguists dist inguish noun phrases with preposed adjuncts and noun phrases with postposed adjuncts.In noun phrases with preposed adjuncts the latter can be expressed by the following classes of words: adjectives, pronouns, numerals, verbs in the form of participle I or participle II, nouns having the ‘s morpheme or without it. To use symbols, these phrases have the following structures: AN (white snow; thick books); laN (this room; his friend); QN (three windows; the second lesson); V-ingN (shouting boys; melting ice); V-enN (written works; corrected mistakes); N'sN (Mary's book; a week's delay); NN (window glass; university team).In noun phrases with postposed adjuncts the following units may be the adjuncts: prepositional groups; adjectives and adjective phrases; verbs in the form of participles and verb phrases in which participles are the heads; verbs in the form of the infinitive and verb phrases in which the infinitive is the head; infinitival and gerundial predicative phrases; noun p hrases; conjunctional groups; adverbs; numerals;subordinate clauses.The patterns noun phrases with postposed adjuncts are: NpN (the title of the book); NpNP (the title of the new book); NpIn (the saving of him); NpV-ing (my reason for coming); NpV-ingP (my reason for coming here). In principle any preposition can be part of a postposed adjunct. Special investigations have shown, however, that the preposition of covers 70% of all occurrences. Postposed adjuncts with adjectives are relatively rare, in this position the occurrence of adjective phrases is much more common: NA (the people present); NAP (a country rich in coal).It should be stressed here that only a limited number of adjectives can be used as postposed adjuncts. They are: the adjective present; adjectives with the suffixes -ible, -able, some adjectives with the prefix a- (afraid, alive). Postposed adjuncts with verbs in various forms are represented by the following types: NV-en (the person addressed); NV-ing (the childre n shouting); NV-enP (the work done by him); NV-ingP (the children shouting in the yard); NtoV (the work to do); NtoVD (the work to do quickly).Postposed adjuncts consisting of predicative phrases are of two kinds: they may have as a head either the infinitive or the ing-form. As a rule, they are introduced by the preposition for (the so-called for-phrases). Here are some of the most frequent patterns: NforNtoV (a book for Tom to read); NforN'sV-ing or NforNV-ing (the reason for Tom's coming; the reason for Tom coming). Each part of the adjunct may get considerably expanded (the reason for poor Tom's coming late;a poem for this little boy to learn by heart).Postposed adjuncts in which nouns are the heads or introduced by the conjunction as are not very frequent in Modern English. They are: NNP (a child the same age); NasN (his life as an artist); NasNP (his life as an opera singer). Postposed adjuncts with adverbs are rarely used: ND (Jim’s speech yesterday). Postposed adjunct s with numerals are confined in English only to quantitative numerals (page three, room ten). b. Verb PhrasesVerb phrases take a central position among all types of phrases in Modern English. They display a great variety of structure and are capable of combining with one another.Therefore they make up syntactical constructions of considerable depth, and complexity. Prof. L. S. Barkhudarov suggested that verb phrases should be classified according to the lexico-grammatical nature of the verb being the head of the phrase. As is known, all English verbs fall into two large classes: transitive and intransitive verbs. It is also known that many verbs can be used in either meaning but this is quite irrelevant for syntax because in any given sentence one and the same verb is either transitive or intransitive.Under the classification suggested by Prof. L. S. Barkhudarov English verb phrases fall into the following main classes: phrases the head of which is either a transitive or an intransi tive verb; phrases the head of which necessarily belongs to a definite subclass of verbs (transitive or intransitive). The adjuncts in verb phrases, accordingly, fall into two types: adjuncts capable of combining with verbs of either class called extensions; adjuncts capable of combining with verbs of only a definite class (transitive or intransitive) called complements.The adjuncts of a transitive verb are called object complements, those of an intransitive verb qualifying complements. The following adjuncts can be found in verb phrases with extensions: adverbs and adverb phrases; adjectives and adjective phrases; prepositional groups; noun phrases without prepositions; pronouns; verbs in the form of the infinitive; participle I and participle II;conjunctional groups; predicative phrases;subordinate clauses: VD (runs quickly); VDP (runs very quickly); VA (stood, angry); VAP (stood, red with anger); VpN (returns to the country);VNP arrived last week); VIa (lives there); VIself. wash ing himself); VtoT (came to help); VtoVP (came to help me); VV-ing (came laughing); VV-en (came, frightened); VbN (acting as judge); VbA (speaking whenever possible); Vb toV (rising so as to see); VforNtoV (stood for John to pass); VpN'sV-ing (left without John's, noticing). (For verb phrases with complements see: ?. ?. . , p? 89 -110) ?.Adjective Phrases Adjective phrases have a comparatively low frequency of occurrence, if the head of the phrase is an adjective in the positive degree, the adjunct may be: an adverb; a prepositional group; a noun; a noun phrase; a verb in the form of the gerund or the infinitive; a predicative phrase and a subordinate clause: DA (incredibly beautiful); ApNP (good for young children); AN (worth the trouble); AV-ingP (busy doing sums); AtoV (ready to go); AforNtoV (easy for John to read).Things are somewhat different with adjectives in the comparative and superlative degrees. Adjectives in the comparative degree usually combine with adjuncts intr oduced by the conjunction than (Tom is older than George). They also combine with adverbs and adverbial pronouns, such as far, still, much (far greater, much better, still greater). Adjectives in the superlative degree may have a proposed adjunct like by far or a postposed adjunct – a prepositional group introduced by the prepositions of and in. d.Adverb Phrases In adverb phrases the adjuncts may stand both in preposition and in postposition. Proposed adjuncts are adverbs and adverbial pronouns (except enough), and with the adverbs before, later, earlier, ago nouns or noun phrases. Postposed adjuncts are the pro-adverb enough, prepositional groups (p+N,etc. ), nouns and noun phrases: DD (rather well); IdD (so nicely); ND (years later); NPD (six days ago); D+enough (well enough); DpN (high in the air). e. Pronoun PhrasesOnly indefinite, negative and demonstrative pronouns can be heads of pronoun phrases.They take the following adjuncts: prepositional groups (p+N; p+In, p+NP); adjectives or adjective phrases; verbs in the form of the infinitive or verb phrases with the infinitive as the head;infinitival predicative phrases and subordinate clauses. The adjunct is always placed in postposition: In pN (some of the workers); In pIn (some of us); InA (something strange); IntoV (nothing to do); In forNtoV (Nobody for Tom to see). 5. Coordinative phrases. Co-ordinate phrases are characterized by the following features: all its members have a similar function in the sentence; their structure is not binary.As to the morphological peculiarities of the constituents of a coordinate phrase, it should be stressed here that this point is of no relevance for syntax. (So, for example, in the sentence – Celia was pretty and a good companion – pretty and a good companion are the constituents of one and the same coordinate phrase irrespective of their being essentially different as regards their morphological nature: pretty is an adjective, good companion is a noun phrase. ) Coordinate phrases fall into two groups: 1)Syndetic coordinate phrases.The syntactical connection between the I? is expressed with the help of conjunctions. If the conjunction is continuous, the coordinate phrase is said to be simple. If the conjunction is discontinuous, the phrase is said to be correlative (E. g. It was the sound of a gramophone, harsh and loud, He has both luck and talent. ) 2)Asyndetic coordinate phrases. The syntactical connection between the parts of the phrase is expressed only with the help of intonation. (E. g. He was hot, dusty, tired out. The good lady her mother now interposed. ) 6.Predicative phrases Predicative phrases fall into three groups: infinitival predicative phrases (for John to come); gerundial predicative phrases (John's coming); absolute predicative phrases (all things considered). Predicative phrases have a binary structure, they are made up of only two I?. They have much in common with sentences, but the I? of a predicative p hrase should not be termed subject and predicate. It should be noted here that the subjectival member of a predicative phrase and the subject of a sentence always refer to different persons or things. (E. g.He stood up for me to sit down. He is proud of his friend having won a prize. The lesson being over, we went home. ) Infinitival predicative phrasesThe subjectival member of an infinitival predicative phrase is a noun. a noun phrase or a pronoun, the latter in the form of the objective case. The predicatival member of an infinitival predicative phrase is any form of the infinitive with or without words subordinate to it. The phrase is preceded by the preposition for: forN/P/toV/P/ (for John to go there); forI toV/P/ (for something to happen); forI toV/?/ (for him to come late).Gerundial predicative phrasesThe subjectival member of a gerundial predicative phrase is a noun or a noun phrase with or without the morpheme ‘s; a possessive pronoun in the conjoint form or a persona l pronoun in the objective case form and other pronouns. The predicatival member of a gerundial predicative phrase is any form of the gerund with or without words subordinate to it: NP'sV-ingP (young John's coming late); NPV-ing P: (young John coming late); I'sV-ingP (his coming late); ImV-ing P (him coming late).Absolute predicative phrasesThe subjectival member of an absolute predicative phrase is a noun or a noun phrase, a personal pronoun in the nominative case or another type of pro-noun. The predicatival member of an absolute predicative phrase is a verb in the form of the participle or the infinitive, or a verb phrase with these forms as a head, or non-verbal parts of speech: adjectives, adverbs, prepositional groups:NPV-ingP (his voice trembling with excitement); InV-ingP (it rising slowly); NPV-enP ( his thirst gone);NPtoV? (the expenses to be paid); In toVP (each to be defined); NPAP (his face very pale); NPD (breakfast over); NPpNP (hat in hand); NPpIm (her back to him); NPNP (his shot a failure). Instances are not few when absolute predicative phrases are introduced by the prepositions with or without. (He looked at Mr. Micawber attentively, with his whole face breathing short and quick in every feature. I left the room without anybody noticing it)

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Great Filipino Music Artists (80’s †Present) Essay

Basil Valdez Like many Filipino singers in the 1970s, Valdez started solo on his career as a folk singer. In 1972, he joined the Circus Band and after it was disbanded, he released Ngayon at Kailanman, his first solo album. In the Circus Band, he met Ryan Cayabyab, who was then part of other band. When Valdez was preparing his album Ngayon at Kailanman, he asked Cayabyab to give a few songs, he did. Cayabyab stands as Valdez’s musical director for 27 years. In the 80’s, Valdez republished himself as a singer of movie theme songs; some of them are â€Å"Paano Ba Ang Mangarap,† â€Å"Muling Buksan Ang Puso† and â€Å"Paraisong Parisukat.† A circumstance which sidelined his singing career occurred in 1990, when he found himself as a â€Å"healer†. Valdez then sought the guidance of his Jesuit friends. They explained to him that he has gift of healing. Ryan Cayabyab A great Filipino music artist known as the Executive and Artistic Director of the defunct San Miguel Foundation for the Performing Arts. He was also a resident judge for the solo season of Philippine Idol in 2006. A versatile artist with his works ranging from commissioned full-length ballets, theater musicals, choral pieces, a Mass set to unaccompanied chorus/congregation, and orchestral pieces, to commercial recordings of popular music, film scores and television specials. Cayayab’s current project includes the Ryan Cayabyab Singers (RCS), a group of seven young adult singers comparable like his group Smokey Mountain in the early ’90s. After FreemantleMedia decided not to renew the Philippine Idol franchise, Cayabyab decided to transfer to rival show Pinoy Dream Academy (Season 2), replacing Jim Paredes as the show’s headmaster. PDA 2 started on June 14, 2008. Nonoy Zuà ±iga Nonoy Z’s singing career spans more than 3 decades; as a folksinger from 1971 to 1975 and then as one of the lead singers of the Family Birth Control Band  which performed in the best nightspots and hotels like Philippine Plaza, Holiday Inn and the Manila Hotel from 1975-1980. To hone his skill, he took special voice training from the late Aurelio Estanislao, a well-known tenor singer and music-voice professor at the University of the Philippines. With his clear baritone voice he started to attract the attention of music buffs. His style and rendition of different songs especially love songs made him acquire a number of distinct awards, Bayang Barrios Lumad origin, born on June 12, 1986. A Filipino musician who hails from Bunawan, Agusan del Sur, and is known for her use of indigenous instruments and styles. In 2005, Barrios’ song Isipin Mo Na Lang was used in end credits of the indie Filipino film Ang Pagdadalaga Ni Maximo Oliveros (The Blossoming of Maximo Oliveros). In September 2008, she launched her fourth album entitled â€Å"Biyaya†. Ramon Jacinto Jacinto has always tried to put music and business together. He started to enter the world of entrepreneurship at the young age of 15. He built up his first enterprise called RJ Enterprises, a company which dealt with producing and release records. RJ Enterprises pioneered multi-track recording in the country and eventually became the primary studio choice for many artists and advertising agencies at that time. Two years later, Jacinto ventured to establish what would become a legendary radio station in the Philippine broadcasting industry – DZRJ. It served as a venue for on-air experiments of radio concepts which were never heard before in Philippine entertainment history. Manned by students, mostly coming from Jacinto’s high school class, the radio station introduced alternative music to the Filipino youth. It was the first station to play songs from rock legends such as the Beatles, the Ventures and the Beachboys. The radio station also gave emphasis on playing the music of local talent. Apart from DZRJ, Jacinto also established the now defunct, DZUW. Pepe Smith a Filipino singer-songwriter, drummer, and guitarist. More commonly known alternately as Joey Smith and Pepe Smith, he is an icon of original Filipino rock music or â€Å"Pinoy Rock†. Gary Valenciano Born 6 August 1964, better known as Gary Valenciano or Gary V., is a Filipino musician. Also known as Mr. Pure Energy, Valenciano has released 26 albums, and won the Awit Awards for â€Å"Best Male Performer† eleven times. In 1998, he became UNICEF Philippines first National Ambassador. His most notable songs include â€Å"Di Bale Na Lang† (â€Å"Never mind†), â€Å"Eto Na Naman† (â€Å"Here we go again†), â€Å"Sana Maulit Muli† (â€Å"Hope it repeats again†), â€Å"Natutulog Ba Ang Diyos?† (â€Å"Does God sleep†), â€Å"Gaya ng Dati† (â€Å"Just like before†), â€Å"Pasko Na, Sinta Ko† (â€Å"It’s Christmas already, my love†), and â€Å"Narito† (â€Å"Here†). He is currently part of ABS-CBN contract actors, and is frequently tapped to sing theme songs for the network’s soap operas and films. Fr. Eduardo Hontiveros Fr. Honti, as he is fondly known, was educated at the Capiz Elementary School and the pre-war Ateneo de Manila in Padre Faura, graduating from high school in 1939. From 1939 to 1945 he was at San Jose Seminary. He entered the Society of Jesus after the war in 1945, pronouncing first vows at Sacred Heart Novitiate in Novaliches in June 1947. He finished his studies of philosophy there and then proceeded to Ateneo de Zamboanga for his three-year regency, teaching religion, Latin, and English, and moderating the Choir String Band. In 1951, he traveled to the United States to study theology, and was ordained in 1954 by Francis Cardinal Spellman. After earning a doctorate in theology from the Gregorian University in Rome, he returned to teach in the Philippines in 1958. He pronounced final vows in the Society of Jesus in 1960. Fr. Honti’s initiatives have been recognized with the Ateneo de Manila University’s Tanglaw ng Lahi Award (1976), the Asian Catholic Publishers’ â€Å"Outstanding Catholic Author† (1992), and the Papal award Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice (2000), among many other awards and citations. He suffered another major stroke in early January 2008, and died  on January 15th. At his funeral Mass at the Ateneo’s Church of the Gesu, President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo was present to honor him with the Presidential Medal of Merit (awarded posthumously). Fr. Manoling Francisco Fr. Manoling Francisco SJ entered the Society of Jesus after second year in college in 1985. As a child he had aspired to be a concert pianist; nevertheless he decided to discontinue his classical piano training at the age of 14 to devote his time to school and socio-civic activities. It was in his First Year High that he composed Hindi Kita Malilimutan. has been popularized by Mr. Basil Valdez. During the past 17 years he has composed more than a hundred and fifty songs such as Tanging Yaman, Sa ‘Yo Lamang are being sung all over the country – indeed, whatever there are Filipinos gathered together in prayer and liturgical celebration. Today, he is easily one of the most gifted musicians in the country.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

William Boldwood Essay Example

William Boldwood Essay Example William Boldwood Paper William Boldwood Paper William Boldwood loves Bathsheba with an intense and suffocating love that was sparked by a meaningless Valentine prank that came about only by chance. Bathsheba writes the card in jest and humour but Boldwood takes it completely the wrong way. In chapter fifteen we see how the joke has affected him deeply; He was conscious of its presence even when his back was turned Her unrevealed eyes had watched every curve as she formed it; her brain had seen him in imagination the while. Why should she had imagined him? It affects Boldwood so much that he dreams about the unknown woman who wrote the card; Whenever Boldwood dozed she took form, and comparatively ceased to be a vision: when he awoke there was the letter justifying the dream. Before Boldwood falls in love with Bathsheba, he is known throughout the town as a secluded bachelor leading a quiet life, he had no interest in women whatsoever. So when he does unleash his love Bathsheba it affects his life with no chance of it ever returning to the way it was. Bathsheba never actually loves him but leads him on and keeps him hanging on by a thread. She feels sorry for Boldwood because he loves her so much and guilty because it is her that has caused these consequences; Dont, dont say it I can not bear you to feel so much. He proposes marriage to her; But you will just think in kindness and condescension think if you cannot bear wit me as a husband! But deep down she does not want to marry him, she just does not have the heart to say so. As a result of this, she says she will think about his offer; I may speak to you again on the subject. , Yes. By doing this Bathsheba only leads him on further and intensifies his love for her, making the situation so much worse. We see how strong his fixation and love is for Bathsheba when he meets her on the road in a state of pain and fury after receiving her letter of rejection. He is in such pain he blames her for making him fall so in love; But, I say, t here was a time when I thought nothing of you, cared nothing of you, and yet you drew me on I took for earnest what you insist was jest and now this that I pray to be jest you say is awful. He is livid with Troy and Bathshebas feelings for him. Boldwood feels that Troy has stolen Bathsheba from him; Why did Troy not leave my treasure alone? Boldwood also makes a reference to the Scarlet fever which he suggests is what has bewitched Bathsheba; Dazzled by Brass and Scarlet! This could be Hardys reminded that this was one of the common occurrences that happened amid women of that time. These enraged and jealous comments are a couple of the many dynamics that show us how possessive and obsessive Boldwoods character really is. Other examples of this are his rekindled hope for Bathshebas heart at the thought of Troys death; Thereupon a strange fire lighted up Boldwood eye, and his face flushed with the suppressed excitement of an unutterable thought. , his persistency at the Christmas party; Be gracious and give up a little to me, when I would give up my life for you! , his drastic action at Troys return; He had turned quickly, taken one of the guns, cocked it and at once discharged it at Troy. In chapter fifty-five, we see how deep Boldwoods obsession really is when Gabriel and Bathsheba find jewellery dated and marked for the day of Bathshebas and Boldwoods supposed wedding; above all there was a case of jewellery They were all carefully packed in paper, and each package was labelled Bathsheba Boldwood, a date being subjoined six years in advance. These are all reasons for Boldwoods refusal. Bathsheba refuses Gabriel Oak because he offers her the same kind of life style that Boldwood does; At home by the fire, whenever you look up there I shall be and whenever I look up, there will be you. Gabriel offers her everything he feels would make a farmers wife happy; You shall have a piano in a year or two farmers wives are getting to have pianos now And have one of those little ten pound gigs for market and nice flowers, and birds cocks and hens I mean And a frame for cucumber like a gentleman and lady. Once again this is a classic example of the tamed and adventurous life that Bathsheba does not want to lead. Bathsheba leads Gabriel on right from the beginning of the story by running after him when he has left her house, because he aunt told Gabriel that Bathsheba has and has had many sweethearts. Gabriels original intention of visiting the house is to ask for Bathshebas hand in marriage, so he is thoroughly over excited to see her running after him; It was Bathsheba Everdene, Gabriels colour deepened. When she confesses that she has only come forth to flatten the rumour about her many sweethearts, his hopes are once again dashed; To run after anyone like this, and then say you dont want him! Gabriel never stops loving Bathsheba, but his love differs from Boldwoods because it is not pushy and desperate, but patient and accepting. Gabriel is the only one with which Bathsheba has a meaningful and growing relationship. He is always completely honest with her even when she does not want him to be, an example of this is in chapter twenty; Well what is your opinion of my conduct? That it is unworthy of any thoughtful, and meek, and comely woman. He risks his life to save her farm by recovering her ricks in the midst of a great storm; Then Oak went back again, ascended tothe top, stepped off the ladder for greater expedition, and carried on thatching. When her flock are close to death, Gabriel is theonly one who can save them but Bathsheba has fired him in a haughty row. In this instance, he teaches her humility by forcing her to swallow her pride for the sake of her sheep; He says beggars cant be choosers her word in reply being Dont abandon me, Gabriel! These acts show that Gabriels love has always been pure, consistent and always growing, maybe this is why Hardy used the name Oak (Oak tree) as an appropriate fit for his guardian Angel (Gabriel) character. After Bathshebas tragic ordeal being witness to Troys death, she decides to marry Gabriel. She decides to do this because Gabriel suggests to her that he is going to leave, I shall not be your mistress much longer shall I, Gabriel? Well no. She realises that Gabriel is her best friend and after the tribulation she has been through, she finds out that he is the one she really wants along with the life he has to offer her. In conclusion, I believe that one can account for Bathshebas choice of husband in Troy because his superficial appearance of gallantry complimented her vain and naive nature at that point in her life. However, as the book lengthens we watch Bathsheba grow into the mature and graceful woman who is ready for a steady relationship. I feel that Bathsheba and Gabriel should have a happy life together, appreciating love and each other. Bathsheba has changed a lot since his first proposal of marriage because the many effects love can have on the heart have tamed her wild shrew-life spirit. She has grown to know that lust, appearance and excitement are not everything. She has developed into a wise woman who knows the hardships of life and no longer wants the fantasy life she once expected from a man.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Free Essays on Under The Autism Umbrella

Under the Autism Umbrella To many people, the very name "autism" conjures the image of a child, in isolation, banging his head against the wall. The word "autism" derives from the Greek word "autos," meaning self. The name arose because of the person’s trouble in communicating with others. Since it was first identified in 1943, autism has come to be seen as a spectrum disorder, that is, a disease that can range from mild to severe. As recently as a decade ago, the incidence of autism was thought to be only one in 5,000. Recent studies now suggest that the number is much higher: About one or two in 2,000 people, says Fred Volkmar, MD, professor of child psychiatry at Yale University. It is impossible to tell whether the numbers are higher because there's an epidemic of autism or because it is simply being detected more. Autism is a profound developmental disability that compromises a person's ability to relate to other people. Language lags are a hallmark of the disorder, which is usually detected between ages of 1 and 3. Autistic children often are attached to routines, fixate on specific subjects or toys, and overreact to stimuli. Sometimes they engage in repetitive movements such as head banging or arm flapping. It is four times more common in boys than girls. But that doesn't mean autistic children are stupid, or doomed to a hopeless existence. Some, in fact, are quite intelligent. Medical experts say that it is a spectrum disorder because IQs of autistic children can range from mental retardation to genius level. On the high end are children with Asperger syndrome, a condition in which verbal skills are generally quite good, but qualities known as language pragmatics, such as tone of voice and facial expressions are compromised. Children with Asperger syndrome usually have poor social skills due to their inability to read and transmit nonverbal cues accurately. They also have problems understanding how other people feel. Al... Free Essays on Under The Autism Umbrella Free Essays on Under The Autism Umbrella Under the Autism Umbrella To many people, the very name "autism" conjures the image of a child, in isolation, banging his head against the wall. The word "autism" derives from the Greek word "autos," meaning self. The name arose because of the person’s trouble in communicating with others. Since it was first identified in 1943, autism has come to be seen as a spectrum disorder, that is, a disease that can range from mild to severe. As recently as a decade ago, the incidence of autism was thought to be only one in 5,000. Recent studies now suggest that the number is much higher: About one or two in 2,000 people, says Fred Volkmar, MD, professor of child psychiatry at Yale University. It is impossible to tell whether the numbers are higher because there's an epidemic of autism or because it is simply being detected more. Autism is a profound developmental disability that compromises a person's ability to relate to other people. Language lags are a hallmark of the disorder, which is usually detected between ages of 1 and 3. Autistic children often are attached to routines, fixate on specific subjects or toys, and overreact to stimuli. Sometimes they engage in repetitive movements such as head banging or arm flapping. It is four times more common in boys than girls. But that doesn't mean autistic children are stupid, or doomed to a hopeless existence. Some, in fact, are quite intelligent. Medical experts say that it is a spectrum disorder because IQs of autistic children can range from mental retardation to genius level. On the high end are children with Asperger syndrome, a condition in which verbal skills are generally quite good, but qualities known as language pragmatics, such as tone of voice and facial expressions are compromised. Children with Asperger syndrome usually have poor social skills due to their inability to read and transmit nonverbal cues accurately. They also have problems understanding how other people feel. Al...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Definition Essay on Racism

Definition Essay on Racism Definition Essay on Racism When writing an essay on racism, you will be expected to share your special understanding about the issue of racism in more than just a sentence. With this type of essay, you should not rely on common definitions from dictionaries or encyclopedias, but you should base your essay on a deeper level of understanding. Tolerance is of foremost importance when you one sets to composing an essay concerning racism or similar topics. Select the words and expressions very carefully not to insult someones feelings or beliefs, as – you know – sometimes the words may hurt really in a severe way. The first thing you should do is select the topic of your paper. Make sure you select an abstract word or phrase with a complex meaning so that you will have the opportunity to tackle it from many perspectives. It will also be easier for you to create the content to complete this type of essay paper. If you select an easy topic, chances are you will be done with the essay definition in a sentence of two, and the other sentences will be what you intentionally include for the purpose of completing the content. However, if the word or phrase you define is straight-forward and simple, it may be challenging to make the essay paper interesting, but if the topic is a disputable one such as racism, then you will have many opportunities to play around with the words and end up with an interesting essay paper. Racism is something that means different things to different people and this gives you the chance to explore several meanings of the word. Then, you could even state which definition you think is best out of the many available. Just be sure that, with a definition, you analyze words to come up with a unique definition. If the definition you end up writing in your essay paper is one the reader is likely to have, then the reader is likely to perceive the essay as one that lacks depth. This is something you never want your reader to perceive about your writing. Even as you search for a complex word or phrase to define, you should always choose something very familiar. Racism is a great word to base your definition essay on, because it is a word that has been defined many times by different texts. This allows you the opportunity to read the many available definitions and come up with your own definition in reference to what you have read. This topic has already been defined and explored by many writers, so you will have the opportunity to define it in a unique and stand out from the others. At writing service you can buy a custom definition essay on any related topic. Your essay will be written by one of professional writers hired by our company.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

The influence of Fast food on life-span in Japan Research Paper

The influence of Fast food on life-span in Japan - Research Paper Example The above issues are analyzed in current paper; effort has been made in order to present the various aspects of the relationship between the long life span of Japanese and their eating behavior especially regarding their trend to avoid fast food. At the next level, the potential use of the specific eating behavior on the life-span of other populations worldwide is evaluated, aiming to answer the following question: would the avoidance of fast food – as an eating behavior adopted by Japanese – could help people worldwide to increase their life span – as this trend has contributed in the long life-span of Japanese? In order to understand the potential relationship between the avoidance of fast food and the long life span as observed in Japan, it would be necessary to present the common effects of fast food of health – as highlighted in the literature focusing on the specific subject. Then the trends of Japanese regarding fast food will be identified and evaluated showing the potential relationship of the specific eating behavior and the long life span. In this way, it will be possible to understand the potential value of the avoidance of fast food for health, a practice that could be suggested to people with different social and cultural characteristics who are likely to eat fast food, especially as a result of their style of life. The term ‘fast food’ is used in order to indicate food of the following characteristics: ‘a) either the food which can be prepared and served quickly or b) the food designed for ready availability, use or consumption’ (Merriam Webster, 2011). Fast food has a series of advantages, which is the reason for the expansion of this type of food in countries worldwide; at a first level, the access to the particular type of food is easy – referring to the fact that the number of restaurants providing the specific type of food is extremely high. Moreover, the cost of fast food is low, a significant advantage of this type of food; in fact, the low cost of fast food – compared to other types of food – is one of its key reasons for its popularity among people of low income – who cannot afford other types of food. Another advantage of fast food is the limited time required for its preparation; as the term itself declares, fast food can be prep ared quite quickly helping consumers to save time for their various activities. Despite its advantages, fast food has been proved to have a series of negative effects. In fact, the research over the health problems related to fast food has proved that the specific type of food can have severe health implications, leading to various health problems either in the short or the long term (Health Food Guide 2011). The most usual negative effect of fast food is the obesity; other damages that the fast food causes on health are the following ones: ‘heart disease, diabetes, high cholesterol, hypertension and even cancer’ (Health Food Guide 2011). Most commonly, the effects of fast food on health cannot be identified early; usually, it is after a severe problem of health, as a result of consuming fast food for a long period of time, that the dangers of the specific types of food are considered and evaluated. The specific issue can be identified in the article of Martindale (2011 ) where reference is made to the case of a ‘victim’ of fast food, a 56-year old woman who has suffered severe problems of health because of her eating practices – referring specifically to fast food. The particular woman has sued the most known fast food chains in her city – Wendy’s, McDonalds, Burger King and KFC – considering that the food served in these restaurants has been the cause for her health problems

Friday, October 18, 2019

Voc wk9 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Voc wk9 - Essay Example The idea of recycling the different steps at different times in a persons life makes sense. The counselor must understand that coming out is an added feature that must be taken into consideration when counseling GLBT individuals. When racial identity is added to the GLBT experience, the counselor must take into consideration to multicultural issues of race that come into play. This would entail the counselor having some multicultural competence. As an example, Arredondo et al (!996, as cited in Capuzzi and Stauffer, 2006) suggest that a counselor must focus on the individuals worldview so they understand the "effects of racism and discrimination" (p. 424) on an individuals decision making. This means that a counselor must understand all of a clients needs when they are GBLT and have a visible racial group. Bowman, S.L. and Evans, G.L. (2006). Career counseling with visibly recognizable racial and ethnic minority groups in Capuzzi, D., and Stauffer, M.D. Career counseling: Foundations, perspectives and applications. 421-444. Whitcomb, D.H., Wettersten, K.B., and Stolz, L.C. (2006). Career counseling with gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender clients in Capuzzi, D., and Stauffer, M.D. (2006) Career counseling: Foundations, perspectives and applications. 386-420. The two case studies I chose to compare are Marisol, a 41-year old lesbian and Hallie, a 58 year old transsexual. These two women have other issues that would create challenges in their career choices such as age and gender. In both examples the women are relatively new in defining their sexual identity. Marisol came out three years ago. In her case, her partner is a high profile lawyer who has been out longer. Marisol is wrestling with going public to help her partner versus staying in the closet for her job and her children. Hallie is wrestling with discontinuing her work as a drag queen which does not pay as much

CEO Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

CEO - Essay Example The existence of defective products put the company at risk of defective product liability. â€Å"When a person is injured by a defective product, they may be able to sue the manufacturer or seller of that product in a defective product lawsuit† (Freeadvice, 2012). The company must take immediate action to eliminate any defective product units in the marketplace. A move that can ensure that the general public is protected is by issuing a product recall. The product recall idea will be verbally presented to the CEO and the directors during the upcoming meeting. Due to the urgency of the matter the directors will vote on the matter at the end of the meeting to implement the recall procedure immediately after the action is voted on. Allowing customers to get injured without warning them about the defects would be a socially irresponsible move. The CEO of the company should vote in favor or the recall because this measure legally protects the company against potential customer law suits. The measure also positively impacts the corporate image of the company. The recall measure is a reactive policy that serves as a quick fix to the situation. The company has a greater problem they must deal with. The company has a quality control problem. ... The company will develop a new manufacturing procedure that complies with all safety requirements to ensure the optimal quality control of the product. The customers will be notified about the product recall by notifying local news stations about the recall so that they make a public notification during their newscasts. All the customers will be called to their homes and a letter will be send as well. It is imperative for the company to properly notify the customers about defective product units. The company has to take measures to ratify the problem. The internal control audit will provide management with a serious of ideas on how to fix the problem based on properly identifying its roots. If the firm is not able to determine how to fix the problem based on the results of the internal audit the company should hire an external consultant to intervene. Assuming that the firm can develop a new manufacturing procedure on its own the firm should be able to solve their quality control pro blem internally. A control mechanism that the company will start implementing is performing a physical check of the unit prior to packaging the merchandise. The company will also extend a one year warranty on its products. The new warranty offering will be mailed to all the customers. Quality control problems are important issues that need the immediate attention of the corporate directors of an enterprise. Bad quality can tarnish the reputation of a company and it can hurt its brand value. Branding is a technique that allows companies to charge a premium price for its products and services (Kotler, 2003). The production and engineering

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Subject area is International Business Crimes Essay

Subject area is International Business Crimes - Essay Example years these criminal groups have significantly increased the extent of their activities by taking advantage of opportunities such as the lowering of economic and political barriers; the end of communist regimes and the founding of delicate new democracies; the increase global trade; and the advances in technology that aid global communication and transport.1 Business crimes, also known as white-collar crimes, are illegal acts against businesses or individuals with the use of paperwork (or computers). As a result, businesses often react by changing their hours of operation, raising their prices to cover their losses, relocating outside the community, or simply closing. Fear of crime isolates businesses, much like fear isolates individuals—and this isolation increases vulnerability to crime. Reducing business crime must be a community effort. Law enforcement have to work with business owners in order to improve security.2 Business crimes, which are mostly run by internationally organised criminals, include market manipulation, monetary counterfeiting, money laundering, fraud and bankruptcy fraud, bribery, insider dealing, embezzlement, computer crime, medical crime, public corruption, identity theft, pension fund crime, RICO crimes, consumer fraud, occupational crime, securities fraud, financial fraud, and forgery. Make large sums of money through drug trafficking, arms smuggling and financial crime. ‘Dirty money’, however, is of little use to organised crime because it raises the suspicions of law enforcement and leaves a trail of evidence. Criminals who wish to benefit from the proceeds of large-scale crime have to camouflage their ‘Dirty money’ without compromising their operations and themselves. The process of hiding ‘Dirty money’ is called money laundering. Every criminal needs to "launder" the proceeds of crime, but where organised crime, drug trafficking and corruption are involved. Today, nternational business criminals are making use of the

Insanity Defense Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Insanity Defense - Essay Example Following a brief comparative definition and discussion of each, this essay will argue in favour of ALI as the better of the three models. The M'Naughten standard came into being in 1843 and derives from the case of Daniel M'Naughten. M'Naughten, in a failed attempt to assassinate the British Prime Minister, killed his secretary (Huckabee, 2000). His reason for doing so was his belief that the Prime Minister was responsible for all of his personal misfortunes. Several witnesses testified to M'Naughten's apparent insanity and a jury found him not guilty by reason of insanity. In their review of the verdict, the House of Lords reversed it and established the M'Naughten standard which specified that a person was not guilty by reason of insanity if he/she could not distinguish between right and wrong. This rule was subsequently adopted in the United States, in some states without modification and others with modification. It is important to note that one of the primary weaknesses with the M'Naughten standard lies in its failure to account for control. Some may know that their actions are wrong but, nevertheless, are unable to control themselves. As such, some states added an "irresistible impulse" modification to the M'Naughten standard (Huckabee, 2000). The Durham test was adopted as a direct outcome of

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Subject area is International Business Crimes Essay

Subject area is International Business Crimes - Essay Example years these criminal groups have significantly increased the extent of their activities by taking advantage of opportunities such as the lowering of economic and political barriers; the end of communist regimes and the founding of delicate new democracies; the increase global trade; and the advances in technology that aid global communication and transport.1 Business crimes, also known as white-collar crimes, are illegal acts against businesses or individuals with the use of paperwork (or computers). As a result, businesses often react by changing their hours of operation, raising their prices to cover their losses, relocating outside the community, or simply closing. Fear of crime isolates businesses, much like fear isolates individuals—and this isolation increases vulnerability to crime. Reducing business crime must be a community effort. Law enforcement have to work with business owners in order to improve security.2 Business crimes, which are mostly run by internationally organised criminals, include market manipulation, monetary counterfeiting, money laundering, fraud and bankruptcy fraud, bribery, insider dealing, embezzlement, computer crime, medical crime, public corruption, identity theft, pension fund crime, RICO crimes, consumer fraud, occupational crime, securities fraud, financial fraud, and forgery. Make large sums of money through drug trafficking, arms smuggling and financial crime. ‘Dirty money’, however, is of little use to organised crime because it raises the suspicions of law enforcement and leaves a trail of evidence. Criminals who wish to benefit from the proceeds of large-scale crime have to camouflage their ‘Dirty money’ without compromising their operations and themselves. The process of hiding ‘Dirty money’ is called money laundering. Every criminal needs to "launder" the proceeds of crime, but where organised crime, drug trafficking and corruption are involved. Today, nternational business criminals are making use of the

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Nanobots Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Nanobots - Research Paper Example This essay examines the nanobot in terms of its purpose, function, development, as well as the moral and ethical concerns related to its implementation in the contemporary and future world environments. Analysis What is this technology? Nanobots are the product of nanotechnology. This is technology that functions within exceptionally small confines – namely within a nanometer (10?9 meters). The field of nanorobotics implements nanotechnology in the creation and engineering of robotic devices ranging in size from 0.1-10 micrometers. These robots are recognized to also be composed of micro or nano processors or components. When one considers that in the mid-20th century the only computers that existed filled a room, the emergence of such nanotechnology measures only a half-century later is a tremendous technological advance. Nanotechnology is created from a bottom up process where the technology is created one atom at a time, allowing developers to achieve the astoundingly small size requirements. Currently nanorobotic technology is in a proto-stage, as primitive molecular machines have been developed. There are also sensors that measure only 1.5 nanometers that are able to identify specific molecules in a chemical conglomerate. Even while nanobots remain largely in the formative development stages, it’s recognized that in the upcoming decade they will increasingly become a part of our daily lives. Purpose of this technology and its effect on people’s lives There are a great variety of potential implementations for nanorobotic technology. Perhaps the most prominent use of this technology has been potential implications of it in combating cancer cells. Indeed, recent trial procedures have been conducted wherein nanobots were able to enter a human and eliminate cancer cells. Describing the function of these nanobots in combating cancer, researcher Mark Davis notes, â€Å"It sneaks in, evades the immune system, delivers the siRNA, and the disas sembled components exit out† (Gizmodo). Essentially, these nanobots are able to enter the human body and deliver RNAi sequences to cancerous cells; these are ribonucleic acid interferences that attack malignant cancer cells. Professor Sylvain Martel, Director of the Nanorobotics Laboratory at Polytechnique Montreal has also foregrounded significant developments of nanobots for the treatment of cancer. While Professor Martel’s treatment of cancer is much in like with researcher Mark Davis’ there are a number of notable innovative differences. It’s noted that, â€Å"Using a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) system, his team successfully guided microcarriers loaded with a dose of anti-cancer drug through the bloodstream†¦right up to a targeted area in the liver, where the drug was successfully administered† (‘Science Daily’). In these regards, the notable understanding is that this technology is able to improve chemoembolization by tre ating cancerous cells without exposing the unaffected adjacent tissue to the medication’s toxic effects. In addition to specific implications on cancer treatment, nanobots are also believed to have the potential of aiding humans avoid invasive surgery through entering the body and conducting such amendments. Furthermore, the emergent study of nanomedibots is believed to have the potential of developing nanobots that reside in humans to, â€Å"monitor body function; repair damaged tissue at the molecular level; deconstruct pathologic or abnormal material or cells such as cancer or

Iraq and Italy Essay Example for Free

Iraq and Italy Essay Iraq has a long history of wars and invasions. The history of the land and its people goes back to more than 5000 years. Iraq has the worlds richest known archaeological sites. The ancient Mesopotamia and the first civilization appeared in the valleys of Iraq. Immigration of people from other parts of the world and invasions by powerful rulers never provided the stability needed by the country. The West Asia and Middle East region always remained vulnerable to foreign attacks and Iraq was no exception. Historical Background Iraqs geographical locations always made it a soft target for the foreign invaders. The lack of stone in the country had hindered the building of roads. As a result, most parts of Iraq were isolated from the main part of the country. The agricultural potential of its river valleys had attracted waves of ethnically diverse migration. Its true that the influx of people has enriched Iraqi culture. However, it also disrupted the countrys internal balance. The conflicts and wars have been a part of Iraqi history since the very beginning of its establishment. Situation in the Arabian region changed dramatically after Abu Bakr became the fist Caliph in 632 AD after the death of Muhammad. â€Å"The foundation of Islam in Iraq was laid down by Khalid Ibn Al Walid in 634 AD after a conflict with the local tribes. The Arabian conquest opened the beginning of conflicts, wars and invasion in Iraq that continued for centuries† (Lewis, 1997: 71). The most important event in Iraq came in the form of the Mongol invasion in 1250s that changed the landscape of the country to a great extent. The Mongol Invasion Mongol invasion was the most important even occurred in Iraq in the 13th century. â€Å"Genghis Khan was the most powerful ruler of the Mongol empire. Before dying in 1227 AD, he divided the Mongol empire between his four sons. His third son Ogotai was given the charge of the conquered lands of Persia and China. The Abbasid caliph Mustansir managed to foil Mongol invasion several times between 1226 AD and 1242 AD. However, after 1251, Mongols became united and more organized to launch renewed onslaughts on Iraq and Syria† (Simons, 1996: 171). â€Å"In 1257, Mongols led by Hulagu reached Hamadan. Hulagu sent an ultimatum to the caliph Mustasim in Baghdad to surrender before the Mongols. However, Mustasim refused to accede to any such demand and the large Mongol army reached Baghdad on 18 January 1258† (Simons, 1996: 171). The Mongols also began mobilizing the slave prisoners. The massive bombardment by Mongols destroyed the defense system in Baghdad. â€Å"Mongol forces comprised of Engineers who broke the irrigation dykes to flood the city. Many panic-stricken inhabitants were drowned in the flooded water† (Lewis, 1997: 82). Ultimately, Mustasim and his army surrendered before the Mongols. â€Å"The caliphs army was massacred on the plain. The inhabitants of the city were also hacked to death. Then the Mongol soldiers plundered the palaces, mosques and all other establishments in Baghdad. It was estimated that about eight hundred thousands men, women and children were killed in the mayhem. Mustasim and his sons were also killed. The Abbasid caliphate was completely eliminated by the Mongols. Hulagu made a pyramid of the skulls of Iraqs scholars, religious leaders and poets† (Simons, 1996: 172). All the glories of medieval Iraq were reduced to ruins. In the wake of the Mongol invasion, Iraq lost its commercial importance. Baghdad had been a center of trade for a long period. The invasion pushed Baghdad into political chaos and economic depression. The irrigation system of the country was destroyed by the Mongols, which badly hit the agriculture and food production. Iraq after the Mongol Invasion The Mongol invasion put a halt to the construction process undergoing in the country. â€Å"The Mongols applied tribute taxes on the local rulers that were very heavy. Those taxes hindered the economic development of the country for years. According to the account of William of Rubruck, the Franciscan monk, most skilled craftsmen and weavers were taken to Mongolia from Iraq and other parts of the Middle East† (Dawson, 1980: 101). The move had a positive impact on Mongolian economy. However, the craft and textile industry in Iraq were badly affected. Impact on the Islamic Culture The Mongol invasion left the Islamic culture in disarray. The Islamic world never managed to regain its lost glory. The six centuries of Islamic scholarly resources, culture and infrastructure were destroyed as the invaders burned libraries and demolished educational institutions. â€Å"The Mongolian rulers between 1258 and 1335 demolished mosques and built Buddhist temples in their place. At the end of 13th century, Gaykhatu attempted to introduce paper money. That virtually destroyed trade in the region† (Simons, 1996: 172). The Mongol invasion brought one positive result for the Islamic culture. Although the Mongols launched initial onslaughts on Islamic traditions, at a later stage, they adopted the culture into their empire. Islam became an official religion of the Mongolian empire towards the end of Mongol rule in Iraq. The rich culture and tradition of the Islamic world spread to Mongolia and other parts of the world during the Mongol rule. Italy, An Introduction History of Italy revolves around the great Roman civilization that was founded in the 9th century BC. For centuries, Italy has been hailed as the cradle of the Renaissance. It was the birthplace of the most intellectuals and talents of the early modern age. The revolutionary ideas that guided the people in different parts of the world were generated in Italy. Poets, writers and philosophers played an important role in enriching the culture of the country. Italy has produced some of the great personalities like Petrarch, Pico, Boccaccio, Sacchetti, Sercambi, Masuccio, Leonardo Da Vinci, Michelangelo and Machiavelli. Italy in the 13th Century AD â€Å"The last great Roman emperor Frederick II clashed with the papacy to popularize his reform process. He represented the Staufen power and his main base was Sicily. His main objective was to restore imperial rights in Italy. The new Pope, Innocent IV, claimed that Rome is unsafe under Frederick II. He summoned a council in Lyons where the emperor was deposed. Frederick died in 1250† (Holme, 1992: 236). Even after the death of Frederick, his son Manfred continued to rule in Sicily and vociferously opposed the papal authority. He led the anti-papal movement in Italy. â€Å"Manfred was killed in the battle of Benevento in 1266. Fredericks grandson, Conradin continued to fight, but he too was killed in the battle of Tagliacozzo in 1268. With his death, the Staufen power in Italy came to an end† (Hyde, 1973: 110). The popes and papal curia have been the main power center in Italy. However, when other European counties established self-government, a similar movement took place in Italy. â€Å"The uprising taken place in 1143 invoked the Senate of Rome. The movement was endorsed by the papacy. In the late 12th Century, Popes won the right to appoint the Senators. They held the economic, political and spiritual power of the country† (Hyde, 1973: 115). The popes were always dependant on others military resources in order to execute their policies. The pope invited the French kings brother Charles to oppose Manfred in southern Italy. That laid the foundation of French-papal alliance that lasted for three generations. Sicily was very significant for the popes from the political perspective. The establishment of a foreign rule resulted in large-scale resentment among people and the political class. â€Å"The bloody revolution of the Sicilian Vespers in 1282 pushed the country into a fresh conflict. The Angevins were champions of the papal cause in Italy. The involvement of the Angevins and the Aragonese in Italys internal affairs was responsible for the immediate provocation for the majority of people† (Holme, 1992: 238). The papacy was the first European power to experience the sharp rise in the cost of warfare in the thirteenth century. Innocent III initiated the administrative reforms and the extension of papal control over the Church. The followers of the pope launched crusades against Christians who opposed the papal. The second half of the 13th century witnessed power struggle for the supremacy of the church. â€Å"When Boniface VIII became the pope after the resignation of Celestine V, he was the twelfth pope to be elected in forty years. Boniface was an Angevin candidate. He demonstrated his desire to fulfill personal and dynastic interests. Boniface launched a crusade against the Colonna family, who were his rivals. He did not maintain good terms with his natural allies and improved the relationship with the French king, Philip the Fair† (Hyde, 1973: 121). â€Å"Boniface VIII endorsed the first Jubilee or Holy Year in 1300. That brought a large number of visitors to the country and generated huge profits. The idea became very popular and Jubilees were held in Rome every 50 years until the end of 15th Century. Then the interval was reduced to 25 years† (Holme, 1992: 239).